About Us

We are 420nBeyond! 

Our overall objective is to look at the future and see if we can find sustainable and Eco-friendly  solutions to the consumer goods we use daily. 

Ask yourself: Can we stop cutting down trees and make paper? Can we use less water and resources to make clothing, accessories and other products?  Is it possible to replace plastics with environmentally friendly solutions?

The answer is: Yes! 

So far, our journey has proved to us that hemp stands out as a quality material for the production of our clothing, accessories and more! 

We aim to raise funds that will contribute to the development of our own hemp farm. This will allow us to expand our environmentally and socially conscious brand, and make our own quality products that are safe and biodegradable. 

The astronaut in our logo is a representation of us looking outside of our world as we know it (regular earthly ways of doing things). We are improving and expanding in new ways to help make our world a better place now and for future generations.

We are excited for the future of our brand and aim to reach a large number of people throughout North America and eventually worldwide.